EIN Individual Request


Every company must have an EIN or Employer Identification Number to run a business in the US. EIN number is required for every organization whether it is a small company with one employee or a multinational company with more than a thousand employees. This is a unique nine-digit number which identifies the organization to the Internal Revenue Service.


This number is used by individuals for exporting goods from the United States while applying for an exporter account. Individuals must require an EIN number for exporting to the US even if they don't own any business. The requirement for an EIN number always remains the same, whether you are exporting on behalf of a US company or gifting to a family member, or shipping a personal vehicle, and for all of this, you have to fill an EIN individual request.


How to get an EIN?


There are four ways available to apply for an EIN number:

     Apply Online

     Apply through Fax

     Apply through Mail

     Apply by Telephone



1. Online

 Applying through the internet is a preferred method for customers to apply for an EIN. Once your application is completed then information is validated through an online session and an EIN is issued immediately. This online application process is available for all organizations whose principal business is located in the United States. The person who is applying for EIN must have a valid taxpayer identification number such as Social Security Number.


2. Fax

 An individual can Fax a completed form SS-4 application to the appropriate state Fax number, after that it is ensured that form SS-4 contains all the required information. There is a different procedure for every entity, your EIN number will be assigned to you by using the appropriate procedure for your business type. When everything is done, your EIN number will be sent to you through Fax within four business days.


3. Mail

 Mail a completed form SS-4 (PDF) to the mail address you find on the Internal Revenue Service website page. And the processing time for EIN application received by mail is four weeks


4. Telephone

 A taxpayer can receive an EIN immediately by calling the business tax line on (800) 829-4933 between 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. from Monday through Friday. The person who is calling must answer all the questions present in the form SS-4 and the person must be authorized to receive an EIN number. There is a different number for international applicants to call (267) 941- 1099.


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